The Local Authority is a podcast by Local Government Chronicle. Each month, the podcast will ask fundamental questions about how local government needs to adapt to fulfil its full potential and best serve local populations. It will see LGC assemble a small panel of significant figures from the sector to discuss one specific issue per episode. All will have a focus on the future, with the emphasis being on innovation, fairness, policy change and place leadership. Between launch in May 2021 and June 2023 the podcast was sponsored by TPXImpact.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
English devolution white paper: Reorganisation
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
The English devolution white paper, published in December, commits to “a permanent shift of power away from Whitehall” and a rewiring of national government to work in partnership with mayors and council leaders.
But it also heralded the end of two tier local government by ordering counties and districts to reorganise into unitary councils.
Over three episodes of The Local Authority, LGC will explore all major aspects of the government’s plans, beginning with reorganisation.
In this episode, LGC editor Sarah Calkin is joined by:
- Kevin Bentley, Conservative group lead at the LGA and leader of Essex CC
- Richard Flinton, chief executive of North Yorkshire Council
- Bridget Smith, Lib Dem leader of South Cambridgeshire DC

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Exploring Manchester's Better Outcomes, Better Lives health and social care programme
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
In a world of squeezed budgets and increasing demand, improving outcomes while saving money has become the holy grail for local government. In this special episode LGC, in association with IMPOWER, is delving deep into one place’s quest to transform health and social care services to do just that.
Manchester’s Better Outcomes, Better Lives programme brought health and social care services together at neighbourhood level to improve support for residents in need of social care and avoid more than £39m in costs.
LGC editor Sarah Calkin is joined by Bernie Enright, Manchester City Council’s executive director for adult social services, Katy Calvin-Thomas, chief executive of the Manchester and Trafford local care organisations and Oliver Barnes, delivery director at IMPOWER to discuss how they did it.
Read more: Bernadette Enright: Delivering ‘good savings’ in adult social care

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Planning reform with Ann Carruthers, Richard Clewer and Hugh Ellis
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
- Ann Carruthers, president of the Association of directors of environment, planning and transport and director of environment and transport for Leicestershire CC
- Richard Clewer, leader of Wiltshire Council and a member of the LGA’s local infrastructure and net zero board
- Hugh Ellis, director of policy at the town and country planning association

Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
This episode is sponsored by Brightwood.
Brightwood Capital is a $6 billion private credit firm that specialises in providing customised senior debt capital to sponsored and non-sponsored U.S. businesses in five core industries within the middle market.
This episode was recorded live at the LGC Investment and Pensions Summit which was held between 11-13 September 2024 in Birmingham. Joining Martin George, deputy editor of Local Government Chronicle, are:
- Sengal Selassie, CEO and founder of Brightwood Capital Advisors
- Mike O'Donnell, former CEO of London CIV
- Jo Kempton, head of Lincolnshire Pension Fund
Together they discuss the implications of the new UK Government, an upcoming U.S presidential election, and the potential for pension fund/pool mergers, structural change, UK-focused investment, and more.
Find out more about the event at investmentsummit.lgcplus.com
Read LGC's investment content at lgcplus.com/investment

Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Continually looking for savings and efficiencies in the quest to balance the books has become a way of life for local authorities. But striking the balance between achieving savings in the short term without storing up more problems for the future is challenging and can require political and managerial bravery.
In this episode of The Local Authority LGC, in association with Impower, explores what good savings look like and how councils can deliver more of them.
LGC editor Sarah Calkin is joined by:
- Martin Reeves, chief executive, Oxfordshire CC
- Mark Smith, director of public service reform, Gateshead MBC
- Ebony Hughes, chief operating officer, Impower

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
BONUS: What does the new government mean for the Local Government Pension Scheme?
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
BONUS: This episode is from the LGC Investment Series Podcast which brings you exclusive content from our LGPS focused event series.
In this episode, deputy editor of Local Government Chronicle Martin George is joined by is Phil Triggs, Tri-Borough Director of Treasury and Pensions at Westminster City Council, and Jo Donnelly, Secretary to the Scheme Advisory Board.
The group discuss what the landslide Labour general election of 2024 means for the LGPS.
To find out more about the event, sponsorship, or attendance, visit
For news, features and events regarding the LGPS visit: https://lgcplus.com/investment
Normal episodes of The Local Authority will resume soon. We hope you enjoy this bonus episode.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
What does the Labour landslide mean for local government?
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Last week Labour won the general election and a new government is in place. To discuss what this might mean for local government, including devolution, council funding and planning reform, LGC editor Sarah Calkin is joined by an expert panel:
- Charlotte Alldritt, founder and former chief executive of the Centre for Progressive Policy and political advisor to Lord Sainsbury
- Jessica Studdert, interim chief executive of New Local
- Tony Travers, associate dean of the School of Public Policy at the London School of Economics

Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
Home to school transport has become an increasing pressure on council budgets as a combination of increases in demand from pupils with special educational needs and a lack of supply push up costs.
In this episode of The Local Authority, LGC in association with Qroutes, would like to explore how councils can reduce costs whilst ensuring children receive the education they need. What is the role of schools? How can parental expectations be managed? Should services be means tested?
LGC editor Sarah Calkin is joined by:
- Roger Gough, leader of Kent CC and children’s services spokesperson for the County Councils Network
- Rachael Shimmin, chief executive of Buckinghamshire Council
- Liz Davidson, chief marketing officer for Qroutes
Support for this episode comes from QRoutes. QRoutes creates routing optimisation software that helps local authorities address their special educational needs transport challenges. Their technology helps school transport planners deliver tailored and empathetic services that cut carbon and cost less.
Find out more at: qroutes.co.uk

Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
It's 3pm on 03 May, and the local election count is on. In the LGC news room for this special Local Authority episode, LGC deputy editor Martin George is joined by editor Sarah Calkin and reporter Caitlin Webb to talk all things results: what do we know so far, what trends are at play and what local issues have been influencing results? Which are the counts particularly worth focusing on as we continue into the weekend, and have there been any surprises so far?
Find out more about sponsoring an episode of The Local Authority by downloading a copy of the media pack here, or emailing Andrew.Leggatt@emap.com.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
The local elections are just around the corner, with everyone in England and Wales able to vote in either council, metro mayor or police and crime commissioner elections, or a combination of the three.
With the Conservatives behind in national polling, the increasing importance of independent candidates, and some bellwether mayoral and council contests taking place on 2 May, there is a lot to talk about.
In this special Local Authority episode, LGC deputy editor Martin George is joined by editor Sarah Calkin and head of news Kirsty Weakley to discuss all this and more. The trio are joined by elections expert Colin Rallings who explains why he thinks the Tories could lose up to 500 seats, and by Andrew Carter, chief executive of Centre for Cities, to talk about its recent polling about the metro mayors.
Find out more about sponsoring an episode of The Local Authority by downloading a copy of the media pack here, or emailing Andrew.Leggatt@emap.com.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Councils are increasingly recognising the value of involving communities in the design of services meanwhile financial pressures have seen the delivery of services such as libraries outsourced to community groups. And though new technology has provided more ways for councils to engage with their residents and businesses, misinformation through social media platforms can often undermine trust.
In this episode of The Local Authority we explore what the relationship between councils and their communities should look like and how councils can build trust and democratic engagement.
LGC editor Sarah Calkin is joined by:
- Elizabeth Campbell (Con), leader of Kensington & Chelsea RBC
- Tracey Lee, chief executive, Plymouth City Council
- Adam Lent, chief executive, New Local
Find out more about sponsoring an episode of The Local Authority here: https://lgcplus.com/podcast

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Children’s services are frequently cited as the biggest current pressure on council budgets, with costs having spiralled in recent years. But despite huge increases in spending there is concern children are often not getting the care and support they need, with shortages of placements meaning young people can often find themselves placed many miles away from the people and places they know. Furthermore placements are increasingly being provided in facilities run by private equity backed firms, sparking concerns of excessive profit making.
In this episode of The Local Authority, the podcast from Local Government Chronicle, we explore what has gone wrong and what needs to happen to fix a broken system.
LGC editor Sarah Calkin is joined by:
- Louise Gittins (Lab), chair of the LGA children and young people’s board and leader of Cheshire West & Chester Council
- Josh MacAlister, chair of the 2022 Independent Review of Children’s Social Care and now executive chair of Foundations, the what works centre for children and families
- Andy Smith, vice president of Association of Directors of Children’s Services and strategic director for children’s and adults’ social services at Derby City Council

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Fiscal devolution with Jamie Driscoll, Jessica Studdert and Ross Mudie
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
The UK is one of the most centralised countries in the world and local authorities enjoy few revenue raising powers when compared with their counterparts in other developed nations. In recent years calls have been growing for local authorities to be given the power to set new taxes or take control of elements of the existing tax base. However, central government has so far resisted these calls.
In this episode of The Local Authority, the podcast from Local Government Chronicle, we want to explore the arguments for fiscal devolution, what that could look like in practice and why it is being met with resistance.
Joining Sarah Calkin this month is Jamie Driscoll, metro mayor of the North of Tyne Combined Authority; Jessica Studdert, deputy chief executive of New Local and Ross Mudie, research analyst at The Centre for Progressive Policy.
Available on all streaming services now!

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Spiralling inflation has pushed up the cost of borrowing while the high-profile failure of some councils that took on large amounts of debt has increased scrutiny of council investments. In this episode of The Local Authority, the podcast from Local Government Chronicle, we want to explore how councils are approaching funding of regeneration in this environment and whether attitudes to commercialisation in local government have changed. Joining Sarah Calkin this month is Sarah Norman, chief executive at Barnsley MBC; Rob Whiteman, chief executive at CIPFA and Tracy Bingham, strategic director (corporate resources) at South Derbyshire DC. The episode is available for streaming on all podcast platforms now.

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Mayor or no mayor with Carolyn Wilkins, Anna Smith and Paul Swinney
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
For the past decade, the government’s preferred model of devolution has been to combined authorities with directly elected mayors. However, more than five years on from the election of the first metro mayors, there is ongoing resistance from councils to adopting this model. In this episode of The Local Authority, a podcast from Local Government Chronicle, we explore what is behind this resistance and how the model is working in those places where it already exists.
Joining LGC editor Sarah Calkin this month is Professor Carolyn Wilkins, fellow at Birmingham Leadership Institute and former chief executive of Oldham MBC; Cllr Anna Smith (Lab), former leader of Cambridge City Council and deputy mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority and Paul Swinney, director of policy and research at Centre for Cities. The episode is available for streaming on all platforms now.

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Many officers start their careers as specialists in their field, such as finance, law, social care or planning, but the nature of their job changes as they are promoted to roles that see them working closely with elected politicians and facing public scrutiny. In this episode of The Local Authority, a podcast from Local Government Chronicle, we explore how the sector can better support officers moving into more senior positions. Joining LGC deputy editor Martin George are Joanne Roney, chief executive of Manchester City Council; Bruce McDonald, leader of Elmbridge BC, and Deborah Evans, chief executive of Lawyers in Local Government.
Available on all platforms now.

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
May’s elections saw more than 80 councils change political control with an increase in the number of councils under no overall control. Often this can mean the councillors involved in forming an administration are doing so for the first time; sometimes they can also be relatively new councillors who are still getting to grips with how the council works or forming a coalition with political opponents. In this episode of The Local Authority, we’ll explore how to best support newly elected members, and ensure the success of councils with minority or coalition administrations.
Joining LGC deputy editor Martin George are William Benson, chief executive of Tunbridge Wells BC; Cllr Liz Leffman (Lib Dem), leader of Oxfordshire CC and Cllr Abi Brown (Con), chair of the Local Government Association’s innovation and improvement board and former leader of Stoke-on-Trent City Council.

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Budgeting in uncertain times with Patrick Melia, Cllr Peter Marland and Joanne Pitt
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
For the fourth year in a row the government has handed councils a single year finance settlement, albeit with some indication of what to expect for the following year. After more than a decade of funding restraint and in the face of high inflation, the uncertainty of single year budgets adds to councils’ challenges in planning services. In this episode of The Local Authority, LGC, along with our partners TPXimpact, wanted to explore how councils are managing these circumstances.
Joining LGC editor Sarah Calkin this month is Patrick Melia, chief executive at Sunderland City Council; Cllr Peter Marland (Lab), leader of Milton Keynes Council and Joanne Pitt, head of policy at the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy.
Available on all podcast platforms now.

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
More councils are struggling than ever before: in the past two years eight councils have been subject to formal government intervention or only narrowly avoided it, compared to five in the 12 years prior to that. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities recently advertised for inspectors and commissioners, suggesting there may be more interventions to come. In this episode of The Local Authority, we explore why so many councils currently appear to be struggling, the role of government commissioners and intervention and what it takes to bring about lasting improvement.
Joining Sarah Calkin this month is Joanna Killian, chief executive at Surrey CC and commissioner at Liverpool City Council; Cllr Graham Chapman, former deputy leader at Nottingham City Council; Tony McArdle, chair at Croydon LBC Improvement Panel and Paul Frainer, partner at TPXimpact.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Joining Sarah this month is Robin Tuddenham, chief executive at Calderdale MBC; Sarah McClinton, president of ADASS and director of health & adult services at Greenwich RBC; Miriam Deakin, deputy chief executive, NHS Providers; Sam Raffell, partner at TPXimpact.
The issue of delayed discharges and hospital capacity has dominated the headlines of late, with social care often bearing the brunt of the blame in the national narrative. In this episode of The Local Authority, we explore the complexities of the interface between health and social care and what that might mean for long term solutions to the current crisis.
Crucially, we highlight the innovative approaches to addressing this issue already being taken in some local health and care systems and explore what best practice look like in reducing delayed discharges in health and care systems.
All this and more on The Local Authority Podcast. Listen on all platforms now.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Across society, businesses and other organisations have woken up to the importance of diversity in the workforce and the improvements it can bring to decision making. In local government it is even more important that councils reflect the communities they serve, amongst both officers and members, yet too often, especially at senior levels, this is not the case. In the next edition of The Local Authority podcast LGC, along with our partners TPX Impact, are seeking to explore what can be done to change this, as well as how local government can do more to build cohesive fairer communities.
Joining Sarah this month is Shazia Hussain, deputy chief executive at Waltham Forest LBC; Cllr Bev Craig, leader of Manchester City Council and Laura Harris, consultancy and change director at TPXimpact.
Listen on all podcast platforms now!

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
The workforce crisis with Simon Fletcher, Cllr James Jamieson and Emma Cheshire
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
The workforce crisis facing local government has been well documented: from planners and finance teams to social workers and housing officers, councils are struggling to recruit the staff they need. What impact are high levels of vacancies having on how councils operate? What actions can councils take now to improve retention and recruitment? How can local government better market itself as an employer of choice?
In this episode of The Local Authority, our panel will explore how councils can and are seeking to both address the immediate challenge and develop the workforce of the future.
Joining Sarah Calkin, LGC's editor this month is Simon Fletcher, chief executive at Lichfield DC, Cllr James Jamieson, chairman at the Local Government Association and Councillor at Central Bedfordshire Council and Emma Cheshire, senior partner at TPXimpact. Available on all podcast platforms now!

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
The cost of living crisis: live at the Solace Summit!
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
The Local Authority Podcast goes live! Joining our chair, Thomas Kohut, Principal Consultant at TPXimpact this month is Kersten England, chief executive at City of Bradford Council; Deven Ghelani, director at Policy in Practice; Paul Frainer, partner at TPXimpact and Local Government Chronicle's editor, Sarah Calkin.
Recorded with a live audience at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole, the panel discuss the issue we are all facing: the ever-increasing cost of living crisis.
Importantly answering, what does the rising cost of living mean for our organisations? What does it mean for the people we serve and what can local government do in response? Tune in to hear our panel dive deep into the issue, only on The Local Authority Podcast.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
On Monday 5 September the next prime minister of the United Kingdom was announced, followed by the appointment of a new cabinet and set of junior ministers. In the latest edition of The Local Authority podcast LGC, along with our partners TPXimpact, consider what the new administration will mean for local government and key policies affecting the sector.
What should councils expect from the new PM and their administration? Will levelling up and agreeing more devolution deals remain a priority? Will the new secretary of state be a localist? What does it mean for adult social care funding and reform?
Joining Sarah Calkin for this exciting episode is, Cllr Abi Brown, Conservative leader of Stoke-on-Trent council and chair of the LGA improvement and innovation board; Cllr Chris Read, Labour leader of Rotherham MBC; Tony Travers, LSE department of government and director of LSE London and Claire Hazelgrove, community and political engagement director, TPXimpact.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
It is widely accepted that the 2014 reforms to the provision of services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities were poorly implemented and insufficiently funded. More than half of councils are significantly overspending on their high needs budgets and yet parents feel it is a battle to get the support their child needs and, worst of all, outcomes for children and young people are still poor. Ministers have recently finished consulting on a green paper setting out reforms intended to address these issues.
Joining Sarah to discuss all this and more is Lucy Nethsingha (Lib Dem) leader of Cambridgeshire County Council and deputy chair on the Children and Young People’s Board at the Local Government Association; Matt Dunkley, past president of ADCS, former director of children’s services for Kent, East Sussex and Norfolk, now an independent consultant and Alex Leslie, consultant at TPXimpact.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
More than a million households are currently on the waiting list for social housing and councils are struggling to build new homes to meet this demand. Meanwhile the expanded role for the Regulator of Social Housing in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy means councils are facing greater oversight of their existing provision. In this edition of The Local Authority podcast LGC, along with our partners TPXimpact, explore what all of this means for the future of council housing and its role in creating sustainable places.
Joining Sarah this episode is Pam Smith, chief executive at Newcastle City Council; Joanne Drew, co-chair of the London Housing Directors' group and housing and regeneration director at Enfield LBC; Jim Bennett, assistant director for policy and communications at RSH and Stuart Mackenzie, head of client experience at TPXimpact.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
The Future of Elections with Peter Stanyon, Darren Hughes and Claire Hazelgrove
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
This episode of The Local Authority podcast features panellists Peter Stanyon, chief executive at AEA Elections; Darren Hughes, chief executive at Electoral Reform Society and Claire Hazelgrove, community and political engagement director at TPXimpact.
The panel look at all aspects of how elections administered by local government could change, including how can councils encourage more people to vote, the potential for emerging technology and whether other democratic innovations such as citizens assembly and referenda enhance or diminish representative democracy.
The panel also take a deep dive into local elections, including increasing attendance, the need to ensure council chambers are more representative of their local population and whether the electoral system should be changed.
Listen on all podcast platforms.

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Children’s Services with Jill Colbert, Steve Crocker and David Ayre
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Joining Local Government Chronicle editor, Nick Golding this month is: Jill Colbert, Chief Executive at Together For Children and Defence Children's Services; Steve Crocker, President for Association of Directors of Children's Services and David Ayre, Partner, Local Government at TPXimpact.
On this episode the panel discuss the rising demand and cost for children and young people's services. How can councils effectively run and set a precedent for giving vulnerable children the best start in life. Are early intervention systems synergized with other council services?
All this and more - listen to The Local Authority on all podcast platforms now!

Wednesday May 18, 2022
The Squeeze with Mike Brewer, Helen Barnard and Paul Frainer
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
In this new episode of The Local Authority, editor of Local Government Chronicle, Nick Golding speaks to the panellists about 'The Squeeze'.
What can councils do to support their local population during the cost-of-living crisis, including the rise in energy bills to unprecedented levels – even before the invasion of Ukraine. How councils can work to reduce poverty, both among those in and not in work. What strategies can they adopt and which sections of the population should they focus on?
Alongside Nick, this episode features Mike Brewer, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Economics, Resolution Foundation; Helen Barnard, Associate Director, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Research and Policy Director, Pro Bono Economics and Paul Frainer, Programme Lead - Place, TPXimpact and Director at Institute of Economic Development.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
This exciting new episode of The Local Authority podcast explores devolution. Following the publication of the government’s flagship ‘Levelling Up White Paper’, our panel discuss if councils can seize the moment and take the initiative. This requires radical reform, but do councils have the tools to do it?
Joining Nick Golding, editor of Local Government Chronicle to discuss is: Amanda Hopgood, Leader at Durham CC; Tony Travers, Director at LSE London and Mike Dearing, Managing Director International at TPXimpact.
The panel discuss the decisions made at a devolved level – can we be optimistic about the decentralisation of decision making? If funding underpins all decisions, what does a sensible devolved council system look like? Is an elected mayor leader model on the cards at Durham CC?
All this and more on this month’s episode of The Local Authority.

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Health and social care integration with Sally Warren, Rob Walsh and David Ayre
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Ring in the new year with a brand-new episode of the Local Authority Podcast.
Joining Nick Golding, editor of Local Government Chronicle this month is: Sally Warren, Director of Policy, The King’s Fund; Rob Walsh, Chief Executive, North East Lincolnshire Council, and NHS North East Lincolnshire CCG; and David Ayre, Partner - Local Government, TPXimpact.
Health and social care integration has been a policy hot-potato for years now and with the Government’s recent plans unveiled, this latest episode asks how services users can be better served.
The panel discuss in detail the current state of health and social care nationwide, the plans for increasing national insurance contributions, optimistic whitepapers on the horizon, the funding gap challenge and its waterfall effect on care.
Rob Walsh talks to us about the systems in place in North East Lincolnshire and how these are focused on “flexibility, agility, and learning-by-doing” to strengthen service improvements for the community.
The panel also discuss mechanisms for embedding personalisation of care for service users – what solutions could form and ultimately deliver on the end product?
With a powerful opportunity ahead of us to innovate and drive efficiencies, are the panel optimistic for the future of integration within Health and Social care?
Tune in to the Local Authority Podcast to find out.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
How Gove can drive change with David Simmonds MP, Jessica Studdert and Claire Hazelgrove
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Joining LGC editor Nick Golding this month is; David Simmonds, Conservative MP for Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner; Jessica Studdert, deputy chief executive, New Local; and Claire Hazelgrove, organising and political engagement director at FutureGov becoming TPXimpact.
The panel discuss the ways in which Michael Gove can drive change within local government in his new role as levelling up secretary. Can councils expect their big-beast new secretary of state to finally bring cohesion to Whitehall’s dealings with the sector? Will Mr Gove's reputation of being a disruptor set a precedent for how he treats councils? And will he embark on a radical programme of community empowerment?
All this and more - listen to The Local Authority on all good podcast platforms, for free.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
The October episode of The Local Authority will explore the relationship between climate change and local government, ahead of the upcoming COP26 event in Glasgow this year.
Joining the editor of Local Government Chronicle, Nick Golding, is; Rebecca Willis, professor in energy & climate governance at Lancaster University; Kevin Frea, cabinet member for climate action, Lancaster City Council and founder, Climate Emergency UK; and Stefan Webb, place director at FutureGov.
The panel ask whether councils are doing the maximum possible in their contribution to fight climate change. The podcast also asks if councils have sufficient resources and powers to make a difference, and how councils need to innovate to steer their areas towards net zero.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
September brings with it a brand new episode of The Local Authority Podcast as Nick Golding, the editor of LGC leads a conversation about 'Levelling Up'. What is it, what does it mean, and what would we like it to mean?
Joining Nick this month is the chief executive of St Helen's Council, Kath O'Dwyer, the leader of the council at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and FutureGov's principal consultant, Adam Walther.
The group talk all things 'levelling up'. Is the sheer number of funding streams available to councils a problem? Does 'levelling up' policy fairly reflect the varied challenges faced in different areas of the country? What would we like for the phrase to mean and what are the direct impacts of it for people in their places and communities?
All this and more is on the table in this month's episode of the podcast.

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
The New Normal with Ian Thomas, Caroline Wilkins and Jen Byrne
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
In this month’s episode of The Local Authority, editor of Local Government Chronicle Nick Golding speaks to panellists about the ‘New Normal’.
What have we learned from the pandemic and how will that inform the future? How will councils manage the impact of rapidly changing restrictions and ‘waves’ of lockdown. How do councils best deal with lengthy periods of turbulence in our ‘new normal’ world.
What happens when the pandemic is over? Is there a danger we lose our innovative approaches when we slip back into our natural and safe mindsets?
All of this and more is on the table for our guests. They are; Ian Thomas, chief executive of Kingston-upon-Thames LBC, Carolyn Wilkins, chief executive at Oldham MBC, and Jen Byrne – Deputy CEO at FutureGov.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Episode one of the Local Government Chronicle and FutureGov podcast has landed!
Our host, editor of LGC Nick Golding and his guests discuss this month’s topic: democracy and remote meetings.
The star of THAT viral video from Handforth Parish Council, Jackie Weaver (Cheshire Association of Local Councils) joins Wigan MBC chief executive Alison McKenzie-Folan, and FutureGov CEO Matthew Skinner.
Together, our panel discuss the pro’s and cons of remote meetings: what has local government done well throughout the pandemic and what could we all do better on? We hear some feedback from the ‘ground’ in Wigan, and hear first-hand about the ways in which emerging technologies could be used in future local government meetings, both physically and digitally. The future of hybrid is also up for discussion, alongside the importance of choice and local council impact – does Jackie Weaver’s recent BRIT Awards appearance herald in a new era of local government influence?
Remember to subscribe to have the latest episode of this podcast delivered to your device upon release each month. Like what you’ve heard? Leave us a 5 star review wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can also listen to Jackie Weaver’s new podcast. Just search “Jackie Weaver has the authority” on your podcast platform.
The Local Authority is a monthly podcast by Local Government Chronicle and FutureGov.
LGC is the leading title for senior local government officers, and the authoritative voice of the sector. To subscribe to LGC for full online and print access go to LGCPlus.com.
FutureGov is a change agency, on a mission to build 21st-century public sector institutions that are catalysts for change in the internet and climate era, to radically improve outcomes for communities. For more information go to wearefuturegov.com.

Monday May 17, 2021
Trailer: The Local Authority Podcast
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Hear from host Nick Golding, Editor of Local Government Chronicle, on what The Local Authority Podcast is all about.
Each month LGC will assemble a panel of industry leaders to discuss one of the key topics in the future of local government.
The first episode will be released on 09 June and will feature Jackie Weaver from THAT parish council Zoom meeting which went viral, and Alison McKenzie-Folan from Wigan MBC - with the episode focusing on democracy and remote meetings.